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Time to put yourself first

A personalised approach to restore optimal health

About me

Hi, I’m Sam, a nutritionist specialising in Women’s Hormonal health. My goal is to empower you to take control of your well-being and the often debilitating symptoms of peri menopause and live a life full of vitality.
If you are fed up with feeling stressed, exhausted, overwhelmed and anxious, then now is the time to put yourself first and work with a professional nutritionist to bring the sparkle, energy and vitality back into your life.
Together we can achieve your optimal health.

A bit more about me

And why I'm passionate about empowering women to balance their hormones and live a life full of vitality

Not that long ago I felt just like you…

In my early 20s my hormones were erratic, I was in agony every month, I had to take time off work and my moods were horrendous. My fluctuating behaviour was affecting my relationship and the only advice I was given was to ‘go on the pill’. I truly thought that I just had to accept these symptoms and this was just the ‘way I was’. As my Mum had always suffered with life debilitating symptoms and had to have a hysterectomy at age 32. I opted for the GP’s advice and tried the pill, but my symptoms didn’t ease and in addition I got some scary unwanted side effects. Coupled with this, I had been diagnosed (incorrectly) with IBS and I felt out of control.


My gastrointestinal symptoms worsened and l got sent for further tests and ended up having  surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells. This really gave me a scare and I realised that my body is my home for life and I need it to be in the best possible condition. During this phase in my life, I was living in London, had a glamorous events job, loved to party and I worked hard. I was definitely not nourishing my body!!


I decided to seek the advice of a Nutritionist, I had to take control. I followed a protocol to nourish my body and change my lifestyle. It was the lightbulb moment that I needed — I had been mistreating my body. I started paying attention to everything I ate and the improvement and the impact on my life was incredible.


After having my three wonderful girls, I devoted all my energy to my young family but I started to neglect my own health again and the imbalances were showing. After my struggle in my 20s the science of nutrition and the impact it can have on well-being had stayed with me. I knew I wanted to give my three girls the best possible nutrition and lifestyle choices and this led me to give up my Event Management job and enrol in a 3 year course at the world renowned College of Naturopathic Medicine, London.


Throughout my time of study, I had many life altering events and my anxiety and stress rose, my periods became heavy and my moods came back with a vengeance. I was so busy that I just wasn’t paying attention to what my body was telling me, I was peri-menopausal. Armed with the insight of knowledge, I was frustrated that many women just accepted that they were always going to feel exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious and moody. I knew I had to help enlighten and educate other women that 'you CAN take back control' and live a life free of these debilitating symptoms.


I now specialise in Women’s Health to help empower women to balance their hormones and live a life full of vitality.


I am a qualified Nutritional Therapist registered with the British Association of Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT), Complimentary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC) and Association of Nutritional Practitioners (ANP).

Sam x

Association of Naturopathic Practioners Member
BANT Member
CNHC Registered Member

Time to put yourself first

Through the science of nutrition and the therapeutic power of food & lifestyle I can help you achieve optimal health and harmonise your hormones. Are you ready?

Work with me to discover your bespoke plan


Establish health concerns, goals and priorities


Bespoke Programmes & Packages

"I hit the menopause hard and found that my diet and lifestyle weren't doing me any favours. Sam has an excellent grasp of how to manage your health in a way that fits into your way of life and is incredibly easy to work with. Thank you for everything Sam, I feel like a different person and am lighter, fitter, more positive and stronger overall as I navigate this tricky time of life."

— Becky

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